We are so excited to be the recipient of a Black-led Organization grant from the Patricia Kind Family Foundation!! This grant will provide PCM with general operating support throughout the 2021-2022 fiscal year!! Thank you to the Patricia Kind Family Foundation team for this awesome award. We are truly grateful!!
About Patricia Kind Family Foundation – from www.pkindfamilyfoundation.org
The Patricia Kind Family Foundation, a private, family managed, not-for-profit philanthropic organization, was established in 1996 with a gift from the estates of Hedwig and Arnold Louis van Ameringen, parents of Patricia Kind. The mission of the Foundation is to financially support Philadelphia organizations that help those struggling daily with the effects of poverty. This includes helping individuals and families obtain physical and mental health care and related human services, such as food, shelter, clothing and education. The Foundation is interested in encouraging practical and caring solutions to community problems by supporting preventive and direct service efforts.