Black Joy! PCM + TTT

The Philly Children’s Movement is very excited to have been selected as a founding partner in the Trauma to Triumph (TTT) initiative in 2024. In partnership with Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), TTT supports and empowers Philadelphia youth who have been impacted by race-based trauma. TTT is a five-year grant[…]

Grant Support from the Greenfield Foundation

PCM would like to thank the Greenfield Foundation for a generous General Operating Support grant we received earlier this year! This funding will support our workshops in schools and in the community, our Radical Little Library, and child- and family-centered activism events and campaigns. The Greenfield Foundation funds innovative programs that further the following three[…]

Thank you, Resist!

We would like to thank the RESIST grant-making panel for supporting our work again this year! Your theory of change and continued support of grassroots racial and social organizing is so very important us at PCM and to the communities we serve. We are honored to be recognized alongside so many other wonderful collectives and[…]

PCM Awarded The Allen Hilles Fund Grant!!

We are very appreciative of the General Operating Support grant we received from The Allen Hilles Fund, which directly supports our work in communities! The Hilles Fund makes grants to organizations that provide education, youth development and community development opportunities, and help neighborhoods and/or communities organize, plan, and work together to improve their quality of[…]

PCM awarded the Black-led Organization Grant from the Patricia Kind Family Foundation!

We are so excited to be the recipient of a Black-led Organization grant from the Patricia Kind Family Foundation!! This grant will provide PCM with general operating support throughout the 2021-2022 fiscal year!! Thank you to the Patricia Kind Family Foundation team for this awesome award. We are truly grateful!! About Patricia Kind Family Foundation[…]