Conversations on Race at the Waldorf School

Steering Group member Maleka Diggs has been working throughout the year with a group of parents, administrators, and teachers at The Waldorf School of Philadelphia. Alexis and I — two of PCM’s three summer interns — had the pleasure of sitting in on the last of these workshops, which took place June 4th. The goal[…]

7th Graders at Lea Elementary School March Against Gun Violence

On Thursday, May 31, 2018, 7th graders from Henry C. Lea Elementary School marched in their West Philadelphia community against gun violence. The march began at 1:30 pm in front of their school’s beautiful playground. As the students walked, a few younger children from the playground approached the gate to cheer the students on. The students[…]

PCM Poster-Making and Chant-Making at Lea Elementary

PCM was invited over to the Henry C. Lea Elementary School, in Walnut Hill on Thursday, May 24th to assist a 7th grade class in making posters and preparing chants for a march that they are planning to have next week. The subject of protest for the class was addressing gun violence in their communities[…]